Power Barbell (E)


Did you know that the more muscle mass you have the more calories you burn, even at rest? Add fabulous, toned muscle to your physique using a combination of the barbell, dumbbells and bands.

Muscles in Motion (E)


Low impact style class with light hand weights to add fuel to your metabolism fire!

MMA Workout (E)


Come train like an MMA fighter! This intense style of training will have you crawling afterwards! Workout through circuits, partner work and individual challenges.

Military Muscle (E)


This class is held in a very controlled atmosphere so that the instructor can take you to new heights and help you get the results you’re looking for. Be prepared to work hard!

Intensity Plus (E)


Ready for a challenge? Sprints, burpees, jump squats…anything to challenge you physically will be part of this class.

Innovative Interval (E)


With a non-stop combination of cardio and weights, get ready for a class that will push you to the max!

Functional Training (E)


This class works on balance and strength training. It will help you with everyday living and sports conditioning to give your muscles a different but very challenging workout!

Dumbbell Workout (E)


This class is all about dumbbells! A great conditioning workout while balancing your body!

Core Insanity (E)


This class will utilize TRX/AG hammock and floor exercises to give you the ultimate abdominal challenge, the combination of the apparatus being used will take your core to a place you would have never thought possible!

Chiseled (E)


Intense strength training to target your arms, lots of upper body training with an assault on your biceps/triceps!