Try It Tuesday June 2024 – Youth Programs


Attention all MOVATI Athletic members,

For the entire month of June, our Try It Tuesday theme will be centered around Youth Development Programs (ages 8-13).

Each club will be offering two different programs:

  • MOVATI Youth: Development Programs

Week 1: Foundational Movements

Week 2-3: Nutrition Basics & Skill Development

Week 4-5: Strength Development

Week 6-7: Conditioning

Week 8: Core

  • MOVATI Athlete: High Performance Programs

Week 1: Baseline Testing & Assessment

Week 2-3: Nutrition Basics & Strength Development

Week 4-5: Speed & Agility

Week 6-7: Strength & Power

Week 8: Performance Testing & Re-Assessment

These programs are designed to help future stars reach their athletic potential. MOVATI’s experienced Performance Coaches will use effective programing to provide a fun and motivating environment, while focusing on sport specific drills to maximize speed, agility, strength, and power.

Spaces are limited. For more information and to secure your spot please see the front desk or contact your club’s Group Personal Training Manager.

Join MOVATI Today and get Started with This Special Offer. Already a member? To customize programming and help you improve your training, consult with one of our Performance Coaches in club and complete your Game Plan Session or join seminars with one of our fitness professionals.



Get out and get active to celebrate National Health and Fitness Day on June 1st at your local MOVATI Athletic club.

Jayde Kabeya, our Group Fitness Education National Manager has challenged you! Take part in her Group Fitness or 50 Rep. challenge.

To learn more about these challenges, head over to our social media channels and check out Jayde’s challenges. Complete either one or if you are up for it why not conquer both? Share your experience on social media using the hashtag #MOVATIMovesCanada #LetsMoveCanada.

To learn more about National Health and Fitness Day, check out the Fitness Industry Council of Canada website:

Join MOVATI Today and get Started with This Special Offer. Already a member? To customize programming and help you improve your training, consult with one of our Performance Coaches in club and complete your Game Plan Session or join seminars with one of our fitness professionals.

Top 10 Recovery Tips for Runners


We need to take our recovery as seriously as we take our run training. It’s a crucial element in order for us to see the desired results from our sessions. We are also all built differently, so some of these tips might work better and have more of an affect for certain runners, compared to others.

We’re always seeking ways in which we can improve. Your training needs to improve in order to achieve faster times whilst racing. But how can you improve your training?

Fatigue naturally restricts our training, so over the past few years I’ve really focused on recovering as fast as possible. Doing what it takes to get my body into a place where it’s ready to train at ultimate performance.

There’s a fine line between reaching your peak performance and overtraining. It’s also impossible to run to your full potential unless you’re fully recovered, feeling fresh and raring to go.

Here are some of my best recovery tips that I’ve learnt from the past few years of running that have helped me improve my times astronomically:

Protein within half an hour of a hard session

This is probably the most important tip and the thing that has helped me improve the most. After a track, tempo, hill session, hard parkrun or race, it’s crucial to give your body the protein it needs for your muscles to build and recover.

Think of this as the same concept of a car emptying its tank. The fuel it needs to get going again is the protein your body needs to recover in order to train again. It’s absorbed best within half an hour of doing your session.

I personally have a scoop of diet whey protein within half an hour of every hard session. I use diet whey protein to try stay lean for running and to avoid bulking up.

Hydration in the form of electrolytes, during and straight after a run helps speed up the recovery process. I start every day with a hydration tablet, which is full of electrolytes that my body absorbs and stores for when it’s required on a run.

Loads of fruit, veg and good carbs (before big sessions)

The more natural the food the better. It’s important to bear in mind that everyone reacts differently to different diets and nutrition, so what works for me may not necessarily work for you. I always make sure to get a mixture of good fruit and vegetables.

Try not to fall into the trap of eating the same fruits and veggies all the time.

Great vegetables for runners are things such as kale, broccoli, spinach, beetroot, sweet potatoes, sweet corn, carrots, lentils, chickpeas and black beans. When it comes to fruit, look to add oranges, kiwi, pineapple, berries, tomatoes and bananas do your weekly nutrition.

Some of the benefits of eating the above include: great source of calcium, vitamin B, vitamin C, iron, potassium and a whole lot of goodness that helps with recovery and keeping healthy by building a strong immune system.

Good carbs are the ‘fuel before the session’, followed by protein which is the ‘post session fuel’.

Pre and Post session stretching and foam rolling

Warming up and cooling down before big sessions is often as important, if not more so, than the actual session itself – and something that a lot of runners’ neglect. Be kind to yourself and give your body the time it needs to warm up and cool down rather than just doing the session and stopping straight away.

Whether it’s a hard or easy session, allow yourself at least 10 minutes to stretch pre and post run. I know it can be boring and time consuming, but it helps release some of the lactate that has built up, and that is the body fluid that makes you stiff.

Foam rolling should be done according to feel. I aim to do a foam rolling session at least 3 times a week – also after my harder session, rolling through the muscles that need the most attention and releasing the tightness from within them so they can recover as quickly as possible.

I know we are all tight for time, but if you could just set aside 5-10 minutes a day for this, that goes a long way!

Yoga or mobility work at least once a week

 We all know that running makes your muscles tight, but I only figured out just how tight mine were when I went to my first Yoga class about a year ago. I was that guy who could barely touch his knees never mind his toes. ‘Downward facing dog’ was definitely a lot more painful than the pleasurable stretching pose it’s supposed to be (I looked more wobbly than a baby giraffe at birth).

Since that day I found that Yoga is very beneficial to us runners. I now go every week, without fail, and am a whole lot more flexible than a year ago (yes – I can indeed touch my toes now and hold a comfortable ‘downward facing dog’ pose). Considering how much Yoga helps the recovery rate, not just physically but mentally, I wish I had starting Yoga when I first started running.

Often I do a Yoga session, purely for the mental recovery side of things. Yoga gives you a break from the fast paced world we live in and really allows you to reset the mind, so that you’re in the best possible place going forward, whether it’s in running or just life in general.

At least 8 hours of sleep

 Sleep is when your body truly recovers. Aim to get at least 8 hours, even if you’re not in a deep sleep for 8 hours, give yourself the chance.

By sleeping for 8 hours per night you’re allowing muscle regeneration to fully take place, and your body to soak up a lot of the good work that you’ve put in.

Since having kids, I haven’t been able to consistently get 8 hours of sleep a night. I’ve certainly felt the impact of this and cannot stress how important it is to get a good sleep.

It’s almost impossible to perform to your full potential when you’re not getting enough sleep.

Wear compression tights/socks or recovery boots

 Whether it’s during a session or post session, compressing muscles helps speed up the recovery process. Studies have been done to prove this and I can vouch for this, having personally tried and tested various different compression socks and tights.

Often after a big tempo session or race my calves seem to twitch like crazy from the build-up of lactate acid. Compression socks help maintain the blood flow and completely remove that uncomfortable feeling.

Recovery boots have been a great addition. They speed up the blood flow and increase the recovery time. It’s also a form of recovery where you can recover and work at the same time… bonus!

Elevate the legs

 Aim to keep your legs elevated for about 30 – 45 minutes in your day. A good time to do this is often whilst watching TV in the evenings. The point of this is to circulate/drain all the unwanted lactate within the legs, then allowing fresh, nutrient rich blood to replace this.

Have a sports massage before a big race

These are never the most ‘exciting’ massages and can often be very painful, but they are usually worth it. A pre-race, deep tissue sports massage wakes the legs up and rejuvenates the muscles.

Ensure you go for one about 4-5 days before a big event. Be careful not to go too close to race day as the soreness from the sports massage can stay in your legs for a couple of days. Anything from 4 days before the event can be a deep tissue sports massage, anything closer should just be a light massage.

Massage guns are also very popular. They’re a great way to lose up tight areas too.

Keep the recovery days easy

Recovery days should always feel easy. A great way to train is one hard day followed by one recovery day. Often I find that my legs feel fresher if I do a light jog rather than completely rest. However, this isn’t the case for everyone.

This concept took me ages to learn and is easier said than done. When getting fitter, I often found I would get bored on easy runs and time would go slowly and I was worried people would see this slow pace on Strava. Since getting over this fear, it’s been onwards, upwards and progress all the way.

It’s also important to listen to your body. If you have a big session planned, but you’re fatigued and your body is screaming for recovery then it’s best to listen and skip the session. This is not always the easiest thing to do and it takes a lot of discipline, especially if you’ve mentally prepared for the session and feel guilty for missing it. But there are times when you just need to listen to your body.

Ice Bath and cooling muscles

Ice baths are definitely not the most comfortable thing to do after a tough session, but shocking the muscles by jumping into an ice bath helps improve recovery by reducing the inflation. The cold constricts the muscles, flushing away the waste and unwanted fluids when they open up again.

I once took part in the crazy race called the ‘Kosmos 3 in 1’ where you run a marathon in the morning, a half marathon at lunch and a 10k in the evening – an absolutely brutal race. Ice baths and a freezing cold swimming pool definitely did the trick and was the thing that helped most to ensure you’re recovered by the time the next race starts.

I hope these recovery tips can help you – it’s all these bits in and around training that all add up at the end of the day, onwards and upwards!

Join MOVATI Today and get Started with This Special Offer. Already a member? To customize programming and help you improve your training, consult with one of our Personal Trainers in club and complete your Game Plan Session or join seminars with one of our fitness professionals.

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Looking to maximize your marathon training? Here’s are some tips to make your 26.2 mile journey a healthy and happy one.

Training for a marathon involves adapting your body to the demands of 26.2 miles of running. To get it right, you need to increase your cardiovascular fitness and endurance, as well as your ability to conserve and manage energy during the race. All this needs to be done while respecting your recovery so you don’t burn out.

What’s the best training plan?

The marathon is a long way, and your training needs to reflect that. Variety of training is important, as is making sure you have a training plan that prepares you specifically for the marathon, but for most runners, getting out the door and running at an easy and steady effort, with a good frequency and consistency, is what will get you ready. The most effective training plan is one you can stick to and enjoy. It is far better to get in four to five runs, week in, week out, than six runs one week and nothing the next.

Go long, but not too long

While it is important to have banked good time on feet, if you go too far in your long runs, you’ll struggle to recover and then you will start your marathon already tired. Three hours to 3:15 is as long as your longest run needs to be and, for many, 2:30-2:45 is enough, three to four weeks out from race day. Any more than that and you risk not recovering in time. For more tips on the long run, click here.

Spread the load

But if you’re limiting the length or duration of your longest run, how can you be confident of handling the distance? The long run is critical, but your overall volume of training is even more important. Four to five runs a week is a good target, while any additional cross-training will boost your fitness. Consider a midweek run that also builds in volume, up to 75-90 minutes, to supplement your weekend long run.

Practice close to race pace

Easy running is important as you build up your training volume. But as you get close to your marathon, there’s a benefit in doing some of your long runs closer to race pace rather than the typically recommended 60-75 seconds a mile slower. In the final eight to 10 weeks

of your schedule, try long runs at a steadier pace, averaging 15-30 seconds a mile slower than your goal race pace.

Pace yourself

When the gun goes, you need to know what pace you’ll be running. Adding marathon-pace sections to the end of some long runs is a great mental and physical stimulus. A good peak long run might be 2:45-3:00, including four sets of 20 minutes at goal marathon pace, with five-minute recoveries.

There are a few ways to estimate your marathon time based on your performances across other distances. Multiplying your 10K PB by five, then subtracting 10 minutes, is one option; doubling your half-marathon time and adding 10-20 minutes or working out 105-108 per cent of your half-marathon time also work. Or you add a recent performance in another distance into a race time predictor like this.

Stress your system

The marathon is a game of energy preservation. Much of what you are aiming to achieve with training is teaching the body to be good at using fuel. One way you can do this is with sessions that vary efforts between predominately using stored fats or carbohydrate. Try this: embedded in a 75-90 minute run, alternate between three to five minutes at around 10K race pace and three to five minutes at, or just slower than, marathon pace, with no rest. Start with 30 minutes of this and aim to build up to around 60 minutes as the weeks progress.


Running is high-impact. In recent years, we have seen great examples of elite athletes performing at the highest level while including lots of non-running training. Time spent on a bike or elliptical trainer, or even aqua-jogging, can be hugely effective in developing your fitness. Convert your running sessions to time and perceived effort and they can be conducted as cross-training, which increases your training volume while minimizing injury risk.

Hit the hills

Hill training can be a great way of doing ‘speedwork in disguise’, as you’ll very quickly see your heart rate jumping up while also developing more strength in your glutes, hamstrings and quads. Challenge yourself by taking one of your midweek runs over a hilly route and working stretches of uphill at a strong sustained effort, where you stay tall and light on your feet, and drive your arms strongly.

Train your gut

Fueling on the run is a good way to ensure you get to the final 10km of the marathon feeling strong and ready to hold your pace. But you need to practice your race-day fueling strategy. Gels help to get energy quickly into your body on the run; sip your gel gradually over three to four minutes, and target one gel every 30 minutes or so during the race. If you struggle with gels, ensure you try a range of other options well in advance of your taper.

Work on your strength

Runners who can hold their posture and technique will find it far easier to maintain their pace in the final stages of a marathon. Strength training is all too often neglected by runners, even though it can boost performance. Use one or two sessions a week to focus on strength, with exercises such as split squats (shown below), single-leg squats and bridges, as well as core work such as planks and side planks.


Your body gets fitter through stress and recovery. You need to work your body hard and go beyond your current comfort zones to build fitness, but it’s not until you recover that all of the beneficial adaptations take place. So, managing your lifestyle is key to a successful marathon campaign. Paula Radcliffe has some great tips on how to make small changes.

Monitor your health and energy

Your marathon training doesn’t just sit in isolation. Your work, family and social life will affect your ability to train and recover well. Keep an eye out for the warning signs of ‘under-recovery’. You can monitor your day-to-day training readiness with a HRV [heart-rate variability] app, and watch for inconsistent sleep, regular small colds or niggles, or a loss of motivation. Be prepared to change your plan around busy periods and work or family-life stresses.

Sleep yourself fitter

A critical element of adaptation is getting enough recovery and sleep. We have all heard of the magical ‘eight hours’ but, in truth, the quality and continuity of your sleep is just as important. Create a cool, calm and dark environment to sleep in, try to avoid using your phone in the final 60 minutes before bed and aim for a consistent sleep and wake-up time.

Freshen up

Constantly pushing a little harder each week will often result in your peaking too early, or getting overtrained or injured. Break your training down into smaller chunks – this can help you manage the balance between work and recovery. Every three to four weeks, include a lighter week of training (also known as a recovery or ‘down’ week), cutting back your volumes by about a third to allow your body a bit more adaptation time. Respect your rest days and recovery weeks – your body will reward you.

Eat for energy

Good nutrition will see you hitting your runs feeling more motivated and energized, but will also help you to adapt to the training more effectively. A balanced diet, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and including whole-food groups, should be a starting point to fuel your training and your recovery. Aim for 4g of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight on days before your key hard sessions or long runs. After your sessions, take on food or a shake with a 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein within a 20-40-minute window of finishing.

Enjoy yourself!

Running is something we choose to do – no one forces us to enter a marathon. You learn a lot about yourself through the course of marathon training, so enjoy the process. Stay social – the joy of running with others has been limited in the last year. Sharing some long runs with other runners can make all the difference.


The marathon involves a leap of faith. The fact that few runners will cover the distance in training before race day means the mental side of training becomes even more important. There are a variety of methods you can deploy to cope with the mental demands of a marathon.

Respect, don’t fear

Don’t fear the marathon. This can lead you to make poor decisions and to try to progress too far, too fast, too soon. Your goal is to arrive at race day healthy and energized, so respect the distance, but recognize it is achievable. Build your training in gradual increments and set small training goals, lifestyle goals and strength goals for each three-week block. The more goals you hit, the more the marathon will start to feel possible.

Focus on the positives

Marathon training is a journey and progress is not always smooth and linear. There will be workouts that don’t go to plan, races where you don’t feel great and runs that you need to miss or reschedule. As the weeks go by, make sure you focus on positive outcomes – it’s about what you do complete, not what you don’t. Keep a training diary and note down two or three positives every week, runs that went well, conditioning you completed or an improvement in your nutrition. If something hasn’t worked, note what you learned from that experience and make changes.

Rehearse race day

Feeling psychologically primed and ready is a key weapon in your armory. Race day should feel familiar; this will allow you to stay calm and focused. Aim to mimic your planned race-day routine in a couple of your key long runs – run at the time the race starts, wear your race-day kit and have your planned race-day breakfast. If you can, aim to complete a race during your training (a half marathon is ideal), as this will get you used to running around other people and pacing sensibly.

Improve your mental skills

The marathon is a long race – your mind may wander and doubts may creep up on you as the miles go by. Use you training to build your toolkit of mental skills to use on race day. Practice different positive self-talk strategies in training – these could be focused on relaxation (‘breathe and relax your shoulders’), technique (‘keep your leg speed snappy’) or focus (‘pull in that vest in front’).

These are just a few of the many tips to make your marathon training a success.

Join MOVATI Today and get Started with This Special Offer. Already a member? To customize programming and help you improve your training, consult with one of our Personal Trainers in club and complete your Game Plan Session or join seminars with one of our fitness professionals. 

Story Credit: University of California San Francisco Health

How You Can Keep Training Hard After 50


No, age isn’t just a number. But it’s not a harbinger of gym doom, either. Tweak your training smartly, and even if you’re nowhere near 50, you’ll feel strong as the years go on (and on, and . . . on). Here’s your guide to eternal power.

We all know that staying in shape gets harder as you get older. But with more guys in their 50s hitting the Ironman, and other guys in their 50s and 60s looking like 20-somethings, you know your potential: You can stay in shape even as you age.

Your own muscle quest can continue past the half-century mark, and we’ve found the elder-statesmen trainers who can show you how. Maybe you can’t endure hypertrophy hell anymore—but you’re not headed for Jazzercise and speed-walking, either.


Step 1: Change Your Mindset

If you’re on the older side still approaching workouts as if you were in your 20s, you’re destined to fail. And if you’re young and already tired of tweaking joints and muscles, just you wait. Everyone can gain from making these four mental adjustments.


Dumbbells Are Your Friend

Barbell lifting is the gym gold standard, but it restricts your limbs from moving comfortably. (It’s overrated in your youth, too.). As you age, consider ditching the barbell presses for dumbbell presses, for example, since, as Krahn says, your connective tissues are losing elasticity.


Embrace Bodybuilding Moves

Total-body moves (think cleans and squats) are CrossFit mainstays, but bodybuilding-style isolation exercises like biceps curls should also be in your workouts. You’ll recover from these exercises more quickly than heavy lifts, allowing you to train more often. Do them twice a week.


Work Hard, Recover Harder

Your body can still recover from brutal workouts—with a little extra TLC. So double down on recovery time. Trainer Bobby Maximus, 42, author of the book Maximus Body, hits the spa more than the gym. Do the same. For every half hour in the gym, spend an hour foam rolling or doing easy yoga.


Step 2: Identify the Real Enemy

The biggest threat to staying fit comes from inside your body. Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass, erases 3 percent to 8 percent of your muscle mass each decade starting in your 30s. But you can fight back.


Build Power

You don’t beat sarcopenia just by lifting weights to build strength, says Brad Schoenfeld, Ph.D., a veteran muscle researcher. You need to build a unique brand of strength: power.


Classic strength is your ability to lift, say, 20 pounds. Power is your ability to lift that same weight quickly. Build power training into your workouts twice weekly, using lighter weights for your exercises. Do 3 sets of 6 reps, taking 2 seconds to lower the weight and no more than 1 second to accelerate it upward.


Eat for Muscle

Training breaks down your muscles, so you need protein to rebuild. Skip that and your muscles never fully recover.


Step 3: Love the Little Things

The big, badass exercises (power cleans!) are fun, but it’s the little ones with nerdy names that keep you healthy.


Elevated Hip Bridge Hold

Strengthen your hamstrings, which come into play whenever you pick up a box. Lie with your back on the ground, heels on a chair, toes pointed toward the ceiling, knees slightly bent. Tighten your core, dig your heels into the chair, and raise your hips as high as possible, or until your hips are in line with your knees and shoulders. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, squeezing your hamstrings. That’s 1 rep; do 5 .


Pallof Press

Meet your weapon against lower-back pain. Anchor a resistance band to a post just below shoulder height. Grasp the band with both hands, arms near your chest; turn so your left shoulder faces the anchor point; and step away until the band is tight. This is the start. Tighten your core and straighten your arms in front of you; hold for 2 seconds. Return to the start. That’s 1 rep; do 3 sets of 12 to 15 per side.


Resistance Band Pull-Apart

Midback strength will protect your shoulders long-term. Stand holding a light resistance band in both hands, arms in front of you, core tight, palms facing each other, just a slight bend in your elbows. Keeping your arms parallel to the ground, rotate your arms wide, pulling the band apart, squeezing your shoulder blades. Pause, then return to the start. That’s 1 rep; do 3 sets of 15.


Step 4: Make Better Moves (& Fix the Bad Ones)

Newsflash: Your body doesn’t care that you can pull off Instagram’s wildest exercise hits (and your happy-hour buddies don’t, either). Build muscle and stay healthy by relying on safe movements—and modifying some riskier ones, too.


3 Moves to Love

Romanian Deadlift

Not everyone has the hip mobility to deadlift from the ground. Romanian deadlifts help. Start standing, holding weight at your hips, then slowly lower your torso and push your butt back.


Floor Press

This offers the same chest-development upside as dumbbell and barbell bench presses while delivering greater protection for your shoulders.


Hollow Hold

This gymnastics staple has you lying on your back, lower back pressed into the ground, legs and shoulder blades off the ground. That builds all-around core strength.


3 Moves to Tweak

Max-Height Box Jump

Box jumps develop lower-body explosiveness, but set the box 10 inches lower than your max.


Wide-Grip Pullup

Opt for neutral-grip pullups instead, with hands slightly wider than shoulder width, protecting your shoulders from long-term injury.


Barbell and Dumbbell Military Press

Most lifters lack the shoulder mobility to press overhead. Opt for land-mine presses instead, allowing your arms to move slightly in front of your torso.


Story Credit:


Join MOVATI Today and get Started with This Special Offer. Already a member? To customize programming and help you improve your training, consult with one of our Personal Trainers in club and complete your Game Plan Session or join seminars with one of our fitness professionals.

*MOVATI’s trainers and/or consultants are not health care providers, and do not provide any medical diagnosis, treatment or advice, and any trainer and/or consultant tips are not intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.


10 Exercises to Elevate Your Golf Game

10 Exercises to Elevate Your Golf Game

Depending on the era, most casual golfers from the 1970s and 1980s would not equate fitness with improving or elevating their golf game.

However, if you talk to anyone from the late 1990s are early 2000s, this all changed when Tiger Woods hit the scene. He was an athlete playing golf and he aggressively worked on his body to make himself a better player. He changed the game. 

Fast forward to the present day and professional golfers of all levels now have rigorous workout schedules and college golf teams all have strength & conditioning coaches. Professional golfers such as Rory McIlroy, Brooks Koepka, Dustin Johnson, and Justin Thomas just to name a few are all athletes that have spent time in the gym to improve their ability to compete at the highest level on the course.

If working out can help them, it can certainly help you improve your game. The key is getting stronger by adding speed, increasing stability and flexibility. We break down some of the best exercises that will help loosen your hips, stabilize your shoulders, and help you build power and strength in your golf swing. 

1. Lunges With Rotation

We recommend you use a small medicine ball (heavy ball) to perform this exercise. Stand with your feet together, holding the ball close to your chest. Lunge your right foot forward, with your left knee bending towards the ground. Hold this position and rotate arms, balls, and torso to the right. Rotate back to center and return to the starting position. Alternate legs and perform 20 times.

This golf exercise will help you improve your balance, swing rotation, and strength.

2. Alternate Lateral Jump

A critical exercise for any golf workout, alternate Lateral Jumps will help you develop lower body power that you can leverage for more distance.

Simply put, this is jumping back and forth from side-to-side, but to get the most value from this golf exercise you need to focus on your technique. You want this to be an explosive move. It’s important that you load up for each jump, activating the muscles in your lower body. You don’t need to jump an extreme distance back and forth, but you do want a consistent motion back-and-forth, side-to-side.

3. Medicine Ball Core Rotations

Also known as “Russian Twists”, Medicine Ball Core Rotations are great for your core and for teaching your body to properly rotate with balance.

Start by sitting on the ground with your knees bent and the medicine balls against your chest. Lean back slowly until you are balanced on your butt and your feet are slightly off the ground. While holding the ball close, quickly rotate back and forth, trying to keep your feet off the ground.

4. Split Squat

The split squat exercise is designed to build up leg strength and improve your swing speed. An additional benefit will be improved balance.

While not required, we recommend you leverage a bar for this golf exercise and that you hold it behind your head, resting on your shoulders. You will start in a standing position with your feet together. With one leg, take a large step forward. Now lunge down, with your front knee in front of your front foot, and your back knee will almost touch the ground. Make sure during your squat that your head stays up and you are looking forward. Hold this position for a few seconds before coming out of your lunge. Repeat 10 times. As you get more advanced, you can add weight to the bar you are resting on your shoulders.

5. Sword Draws

The Sword Draw golf exercise will help you with external shoulder rotation and can even assist you in keeping your golf swing on plane.

To perform this part of your golf workout, you will need a dumbbell. Pick the correct weight based on your physical condition. Stand with your feet as far apart as your normal golf stance. Hold the dumbbell in your right hand near your left hip with your palm facing your body and your thumb pointing towards your left hip. Keeping your arm straight, rotate your shoulder, and lift the weight above your head and to the right. When you complete this motion, your thumb should be pointing behind you. We recommend multiple sets of 15 and you can increase the weight of the dumbbell over time.

6. Hip Drops

You may not have given it much thought, but lack of internal hip rotation can cause significant issues in your golf swing. The Hip Drop golf exercise will help you improve this part of your body. This is also a great pre-round stretch.

Sit on the ground, with your legs spread far apart, your feet flat on the ground, and your knees up. Place your hands on the ground behind you. One leg at a time, rotate your knee in and move it as close to the ground as you can. You should feel a nice stretch in your hip. Complete a comfortable number of reps on with each leg.

7. Dumbbell Bench Press

The one-handed Dumbbell Bench Press allows you to strengthen your upper body while also working on core stabilization. A great 2-for-1 golf exercise.

You should lie on a weight lifting bench or the floor with an appropriate weight dumbbell in one hand. Simply perform a bench press with this one arm. Do 3 sets of 10 and then switch arms.

8. Single Leg Deadlift

The Single Leg Deadlift golf exercise will strengthen your lower back, hamstrings, and glutes. Performing these on a regular basis will not only help your swing, but they will also protect your back from future injuries.

Start in a standing position with your feet together and a dumbbell in each hand. The dumbbells should be hanging down in front of your thighs. Bow forward, letting one leg kick back behind you. Keeping your back straight, lower down until the dumbbells get as close to the floor as possible. Return back to your starting position. Try to do 3 sets of 10 on both legs, and you can increase the weight over time. It is more important to do these with good technique than adding a bunch of weight.

9. Pelvic Tilt

Every time you swing a golf club you put pressure on your lower back and pelvis muscles. If not properly managed, these areas can become tender and sore. The Pelvic Tilt is a simple golf exercise to help your pelvic and lower back.

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head (this position is similar to the starting position of a Sit Up). Tighten your abs, buttocks, and thighs to press the small of your back against the floor. Perform 10 reps and try to increase this number as you continue your golf workouts.

10. Squat With Medicine Ball Rotations

This is a great full body exercise that will improve your core and work on your balance. You’ll need a medicine ball and you should pick the most appropriate weight for you.

Start in a standing position, with the medicine ball on the ground, next to your right foot. Squat down low and grab the ball with both hands. In one motion, stand up and lift the ball to the left of your hand, with your arms fully extended. Squat down to return the ball to its original position. Do as many reps as you are comfortable performing and make sure you do both sides.

To customize programming and help improve the strength, stability, and flexibility, consult with one of our Personal Trainers in club and complete your Game Plan Session.

Story Credit: Allen Panuncio – Canadian Professional Golf Association, Senior Instructor, Richmond Hill Golf Club

Stretch and Strengthen Your Way Out of Lower Back Pain


Everybody’s back hurts. Well, almost everybody. Nearly 80 percent of the population will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their life.

Whether it’s dull and achy, sharp and shooting, or tight and stiff, discomfort on your backside is no picnic. But the good news is there are easy ways to strengthen your muscles and kiss back pain goodbye.

A combination of both strengthening and stretching exercises for the lower back can help stabilize the lower spine and support the upper body. Stretching the back muscles after completing a back-strengthening routine can help prevent muscle soreness and injury. It may also provide additional benefits, such as improving range of motion and flexibility.


Strengthening Exercises

Glute bridge

The glute bridge works a person’s gluteus maximus, the largest of the gluteal muscles, or glutes, that form the buttocks. This muscle engages when a person extends their hips, such as when they stand up out of a squat. It also helps with both external rotation, which is when the knee and hip open away from the body, and abduction, which is when the leg lifts away from the body.

The glutes help stabilize the lower back by acting as both a stabilizer and a mobilizer. Strong glutes can stabilize and support the lower back and hips, and they can also help stabilize the knees when they are extended.

To perform follow these steps:

Step 1: Lie on the back with the knees bent and the feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place the arms down by the sides of the body with the palms of the hands facing downward.

Step 2: Tighten the abdominal muscles and squeeze the gluteal muscles.

Step 3: Lift the pelvis off the floor. Continue to lift so that the body forms a straight line through the shoulder, hip, and knee.

Step 4: Hold the position for at least 2 seconds.

Step 5: Slowly return to the start position.

Step 6: Repeat the steps above 10–15 times.



 The bird-dog works the gluteal muscles. It also exercises the back extensor muscles, which attach to the back of the spine and allow a person to stand, bend, and lift objects.

To perform follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin the exercise on the hands and knees with the shoulders directly over the hands and the hips directly over the knees.

Step 2: Tense the abdominal muscles and stretch the right arm straight out in front of the body.

Step 3: Hold the position while staying balanced.

Step 4: Slowly lift the left leg and extend it straight out behind the body.

Step 5: Hold the position for 15 seconds.

Step 6: Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Step 7: Repeat 5 times.



The plank exercise primarily works the abdominals, but it also engages the arms, shoulders, hip flexors, and feet, making it a good full-body stability exercise. This position may also activate the back extensor muscles and the quadratus lumborum, which is the deepest back muscle. It extends from the lowest rib to the pelvic bone.

To perform follow these steps:

Step 1: Lie on the stomach with the forearms against the floor and the elbows directly in line with the shoulders.

Step 2: Tighten the abdominal and gluteal muscles.

Step 3: Lift the hips and both knees off the floor.

Step 4: Hold the position for 10–30 seconds without allowing the pelvis to sag toward the floor.

Step 5: Slowly return to the start position and then repeat 5 times.


Side plank

The side plank is a modified version of the plank that works the quadratus lumborum as well as the gluteus medius and tensor fascia lata (TFL). These muscles are important for hip stability.

To perform follow these steps:

Step 1: Lie on the right side of the body with the right leg slightly bent and the left leg straight with the foot on the floor. Ensure that the right arm is directly beneath the right shoulder with the forearm extended out in front.

Step 2: Tightening the abdominal muscles, lift the right hip off the floor.

Step 3: Lift the right knee off the floor to straighten the right leg and stack the feet on top of each other.

Step 4: Keeping the body straight, hold the position for 10–30 seconds.

Step 5: Slowly return to the start position and repeat on the other side.

Step 6: Repeat the steps above 5 times.


Abdominal crunches

 Abdominal crunches help develop a strong core that provides better spinal support and hip alignment.

To perform follow these steps:

Step 1: Lie with the back flat against the floor, the knees bent, and the feet flat and hip-width apart.

Step 2: Cross the hands over the chest or reach along the sides of the body toward the feet.

Step 3: Tighten the abdominal muscles and lift the head and shoulder blades off the floor while exhaling.

Step 4: Lower to the starting position.

Step 5: Repeat the above exercise 10–15 times.


Stretching exercises

 Knee-to-chest stretches

 Knee-to-chest stretches can help elongate the lower back muscles, relieving tension and pain.

To perform follow these steps:

Step 1: Lie on the back with both legs flat against the floor.

Step 2: Lift the right leg, bending the knee toward the chest.

Step 3: Use both hands to pull the right knee toward the chest.

Step 4: Hold the right knee against the chest for several seconds.

Step 5: Return to the starting position.

Step 6: Repeat with the left leg and then return to the starting position.


Kneeling back stretch

 The kneeling back extension can help stretch the lower back muscles, easing pain and tension in these areas.

To perform follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin the exercise on the hands and knees, positioning the knees hip-width apart, with the shoulders directly over the hands.

Step 2: Round the back, pulling the bellybutton up toward the spine and tilting the lower back toward the floor.

Step 3: Hold the position for 5 seconds.

Step 4: Rock gently backward, lowering the buttocks as close as possible to the heels. Ensure that the arms are stretched out in front.

Step 5: Hold the position for 5 seconds.

Step 6: Rock gently back up to the starting position. Repeat 10–15 times.


Modified seated side straddle

 The seated side straddle exercise stretches the hamstring, the abductors, and the extensor muscles in the middle and lower back. The seated side straddle requires a person to follow these steps:

To perform follow these steps:

Step 1: Sit with both legs flat against the floor and extended out in front of the body. The feet should be far enough apart that the legs form a “V” shape.

Step 2: Bend the left leg, bringing the left foot up to touch the right knee and letting the left knee fall out away from the body.

Step 3: Keeping the back straight, bend from the hips and reach forward toward the toes of the right foot.

Step 4: Slowly round the spine, bringing the hands toward the right ankle or shin while lowering the head as close as possible to the right knee.

Step 5: Hold the position for 30 seconds, then relax for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Step 6: Perform 5–6 repetitions.


Join MOVATI Today and get Started with This Special Offer. Already a member? To customize programming and help you improve your training, consult with one of our Personal Trainers in club and complete your Game Plan Session or join seminars with one of our fitness professionals.

*MOVATI’s trainers and/or consultants are not health care providers, and do not provide any medical diagnosis, treatment or advice, and any trainer and/or consultant tips are not intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.

 Story Credit: Mayo Clinic (

Kettlebell Exercises to Include in Your Workout


New exercise equipment can add some excitement to your routine or even help motivate you to start your fitness journey. Kettlebells, which look like cannonballs with handles, have become a popular strength-training alternative to traditional barbells, dumbbells, and resistance machines.

Kettlebell exercises often involve several muscle groups at once, making them a highly effective way to give your arms, legs, and abs a great workout in a short amount of time.

Try to work in different kettlebell exercises 2 or 3 times each week and aim for 6-8 repetitions of each exercise. Once you can comfortably complete the reps, work toward adding more sets as you build strength.

Here’s a look at seven versatile kettlebell exercises to include in your workout. If you’ve been thinking about giving kettlebells a try, or want to learn new ways to use them, we’ll help get you up to speed.

  1. Kettlebell Deadlifts

These exercises zero in on your buttocks, thighs, and back. They may be a good first move to get your kettlebell workout started.

Muscles worked: glutes, quads, back muscles

Reps: 6-8

  1. Kettlebell swing

This is an excellent exercise to boost both your muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. While your shoulders and arms will do some work, most of the effort should come from the hips and legs.

You may need to start with a lighter weight at first to get used to the movement and technique. Keep a firm grip on the kettlebell throughout this exercise.

Muscles worked: glutes, quads, hamstrings, arms, shoulders

Reps: Do as many swings as you can manage in 20 seconds while also keeping proper form. Rest for 30 seconds, then repeat.

  1. Kettlebell goblet squat

Squats are an excellent lower-body exercise that works many different muscles. Using a kettlebell adds more effort to the squat.

Muscles worked: quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, abdominal muscles

Reps: 6-8

  1. Kettlebell lunge

Like traditional lunges, kettlebell lunges target the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. It’s an effective balance exercise, too.

You can hold a kettlebell in both hands to increase the difficulty.

Muscles worked: glutes, quads, hamstrings

Reps: 6-8

  1. Russian twist

If you don’t have a kettlebell, the Russian twist can also be done with a weighted medicine ball or barbell plate.

When using a kettlebell, be sure to keep a firm grip so that you don’t drop it on your lap.

Muscles worked: abdominal muscles, obliques

Reps: 6-8

  1. Kettlebell pushup

When doing kettlebell pushups, be careful to keep your wrists straight, not bent. Stop if you feel out of balance or like your wrists can’t support your weight.

Muscles worked: pecs, shoulders, triceps, core

Reps: 6-8

  1. Kettlebell shoulder press

For this exercise, be sure to use a weight you can manage safely. Your shoulders and rotator cuff will work hard to balance and stabilize the weight of the bell throughout the movement.

Muscles worked: triceps, shoulders

Reps: 6-8

Kettlebells can work several muscle groups simultaneously with a single kettlebell. This makes it a great total-body workout tool. The key is to start slow and, if possible, with the help of a certified personal trainer. Once you know how to do the exercises with the right form using a lighter weight, you can move on to using a heavier weight and increasing your reps and sets.


Join MOVATI Today and get Started with This Special Offer. Already a member? To customize programming and help you improve your training, consult with one of our Personal Trainers in club and complete your Game Plan Session or join seminars with one of our fitness professionals.

*MOVATI’s trainers and/or consultants are not health care providers, and do not provide any medical diagnosis, treatment or advice, and any trainer and/or consultant tips are not intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.

 Story Credit: Kettlebell Exercises For Every Body Part ( & The Ultimate Full-Body Kettlebell Workout for Any Fitness Level (



Strength training or resistance training is a type of exercise that focuses on using resistance to strengthen your muscles. Our bodies require regular maintenance for optimal health, especially to build and maintain strong muscles, as people begin to lose muscle mass as well as decreased strength with age.

Two or three 20- or 30-minute strength training sessions every week can result in significant health benefits but always remember to check with a doctor before beginning, especially if you haven’t exercised in a while.

By mixing in weight training to your fitness routine, you’ll improve the following …

  1. Makes you stronger: Strength training helps you become stronger. Gaining strength allows you to perform daily tasks much easier, such as carrying heavy groceries or running around with your kids.
  2. Burns calories efficiently: As you gain muscle, your body begins to burn calories more easily, making it easier to control your weight.
  3. Decreases abdominal fat: Fat stored around the abdomen, especially visceral fat, is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
  4. Can help you appear leaner: As you build more muscle and lose fat, you will appear leaner.
  5. Decreases your risk of falls: Strength training lowers your risk of falls, as you’re better able to support your body.
  6. Lowers your risk of injury: Strength training improves your range of motion, mobility and strength that may reduce your risk of injury.
  7. Helps manage your blood sugar levels: Strength training may lower your risk of developing diabetes and can help those with the condition manage it better.
  8. Improves heart health: Strength training also can help improve blood circulation by strengthening the heart and blood vessels as well as decreasing blood pressure and lowering total and LDL cholesterol.
  9. Promotes greater mobility and flexibility: Strength training helps improve range of motion and flexibility.
  10. Boosts your self-esteem and mood: Strength training can add a major boost to your self-confidence as you overcome challenges, work toward goals and improve how you feel. Regular strength training can also improve your mental health and positive attitude.
  11. Makes your bones stronger: Strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk of fractures.
  12. Improves brain health: Those who engage in strength training may have better brain health and protection against age-related cognitive decline.
  13. Promotes a better quality of life: Strength training may increase your quality of life, especially as you age.  Studies have linked regular strength training to increased physical and mental well-being, even reducing the symptoms of arthritis.
  14. Better Posture: By incorporating weight-lifting into your routine with weights, this will help strengthens the muscles that can help pull you out of that slumped-over position, enabling you to stand tall.
  15. Improve Endurance: Helps improve performance and recovery. In everyday life, recreational athletes in particular benefit from strength endurance training due to its improved strength endurance.

This can be achieved by lifting free weights or doing specific targeted muscle workout machines at the gym. However, strength training isn’t just lifting weights, you can get in a great strength-training workout using your body weight push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, wall sits and planks), resistance bands or even classes that involve strength training (yoga, Tai Chi).

The bottom line is to get moving. Exercise and strength training play an important role in supporting and living a healthy life.

Join MOVATI Today and get Started with This Special Offer. Already a member? To customize programming and help you improve your training, consult with one of our Personal Trainers in club and complete your Game Plan Session or join seminars with one of our fitness professionals.

*MOVATI’s trainers and/or consultants are not health care providers, and do not provide any medical diagnosis, treatment or advice, and any trainer and/or consultant tips are not intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.

Story Credit: National Institute on Aging ( & Healthline (

Strength Training for Runners

Strength Training for Runners

Do Runners Need to do Strength Training?

Is strength training really necessary if you’re a runner? Absolutely! Strength training is an essential part of a runner’s overall program and one of the biggest factors that will influence your performance because it strengthens muscles and joints, which can improve race times and most importantly decrease the risk of injury. 

If you want to perform at your full potential, you need to take a comprehensive approach to running. That means targeting areas of fitness you may not normally pay attention to, like flexibility, balance, mobility and strength! How much time should you dedicate to strength training? As a runner, all you need is to invest 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week, to reap the full benefits of strength training. In other words, resistance training does not have to be time-consuming.

7 Benefits of Strength Training for Runners

  1. Reduce Injury – Stronger muscles = less impact on your knees. Conditioned muscles also recover faster!
  2. Increase Lean Muscle Mass – Increase your strength while improving your body composition.
  3. Reduce Body Fat – Strength training increases your metabolism which increases calories burned.
  4. Increase Your Endurance – Strength training increases your muscular endurance and maintains your running mechanics.
  5. Fix Muscular Imbalances – Strength training can target specific muscular imbalances which in turn helps to reduce injury. 
  6. Stronger Bones – Strength training increases bone density. Stronger bones will enable you to have a longer running career.
  7. Better Posture – Upper body strength training can lead to better posture when running.

Remember…when you go beyond your physical abilities and become injured, it will set you back in your running more than if you took a little extra time to do some strength training to prevent injury.

Join MOVATI Today and get Started with This Special Offer. Already a member? To customize programming and help you improve your training, consult with one of our Personal Trainers in club and complete your Game Plan Session or join seminars with one of our fitness professionals.

*MOVATI’s trainers and/or consultants are not health care providers, and do not provide any medical diagnosis, treatment or advice, and any trainer and/or consultant tips are not intended to replace the advice of a health care professional.