February 01, 2022
How Exercise Plays a Role in Heart Health
Heart Health

Keep your heart healthy with exercise! The Heart and Stroke Foundation recommends “adults should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more. The activity doesn’t have to be non-stop, such as an aerobics class. You can do 10 minutes or more at a time throughout the day to reach your daily total.”

Benefits of Exercise on the Heart

There is no limit to the benefits of exercise on the health of your heart, but we’ve highlighted a few key ones…

  • Exercise decreases your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. 
  • Exercise helps to lower your blood pressure and improve your blood flow. 
  • Being physically active is known to help lower your cholesterol. 
  • Incorporating exercise into your life will help promote other heart-healthy habits. 
  • Exercise reduces the incidence of heart arrhythmia, like atrial fibrillation.
  • Regular exercise helps improve your overall aerobic performance.

Best Exercises for Heart Health

Like all muscles, the heart needs a good workout too! A combination of aerobic exercise and strength training is what’s best for improving the health of your heart. 

Aerobic exercise is anything that gets your heart beating faster and you breathing faster. Physical activity such as walking, running, swimming, playing soccer, or taking part in a group fitness class are all examples of aerobic exercise. 

If you’re new to exercise, don’t worry! Any aerobic activity that gets you breathing faster is giving your heart a workout – so even just going for a walk is great for heart health! Start your day with a morning walk, take a stroll on your lunch break, opt for the stairs over the elevator or park farther away at stores. Even small bouts of aerobic exercise are great for your heart! 

Tip: Finding aerobic activities you enjoy and adding some variety is a great way to keep your workouts fun plus you’re more likely to stick with it. 

Don’t forget about weight training! Weight training is just as important as aerobic activity when it comes to heart health. Strengthening the other muscles in your body has benefits for you heart because it builds muscle mass and burns fat! Short on time or can’t make it to the gym? Use your own body weight for an effective weight training session. Push-ups, sit-ups and squats are fantastic muscle building exercises that you can do anywhere!  

Whether you take part in a cycle class three times a week, go hiking with a friend, or start your day with yoga, regular exercise is so important for taking care of your heart. 

*Remember, always speak to your doctor before beginning an exercise program.