October 01, 2019
Nutrition Tips for Fat Loss

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You’ve set your goals and committed to your fitness journey, now it’s time to dial into your nutrition. Everyone says “you can’t out train a bad diet,” but let’s dive into why nutrition can play such a big role in your success and what foods you should try to include in your weekly diet.

What’s a macronutrient?

Every food you eat is made up of one or a combination of proteins, carbohydrates and/or fats. These are called macronutrients and every single one is essential for optimal health and shouldn’t be neglected.

However, even though candy and cookies are made up of the same things as fruits and vegetables, the latter contain far more vitamins, minerals and fibre which help you feel satisfied longer and give you more energy to keep you going through the day.


Protein is the building block to every cell in our body. It’s also what helps us maintain and build muscle in the body. When losing weight our bodies have the option of using fat or muscle to give it energy. Lifting weights and keeping protein intake high helps makes sure our body doesn’t use lots of muscle for energy while losing weight.

Sources to consider: Fish, lean meat, eggs, lentils, tofu, protein powders


Carbohydrates (carbs) provide energy for both the body and the brain. Simple carbs don’t take much time to digest, provide a quick energy source and is a good option before or after active parts of your day.

Complex and fibrous carbs typically have lots of fibre and should be included during less active times because you will have time to digest it fully. Too much fibre before a hard workout can leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable!

Try choosing two complex and two simple carbohydrate sources per day.

Sources to consider: vegetables, fruit, oats, quinoa, rice


Fat is essential for good hormonal health and overall cell function. Making healthy sources of fat a regular part of your diet is essential for overall health. Avoid trans fatty acids and limit your saturated fat intake, opting for unsaturated fats high in Omega 3 & 6’s.

Sources to consider: avocado, salmon, nuts, chia seeds, olive & coconut oil


Although not a macronutrient, our bodies are 70% water, which means proper hydration is crucial for overall function and health.

Adequate hydration not only aids in appetite suppression but can also facilitate the body’s ability to metabolize stored fat. Aim to drink at least 2 litres/day (10 glasses).

Try This: Use the chart to select healthy food sources to facilitate your fat loss journey.

















Group Fitness Class Recommendation: Hot Power & Flow, Sweat & Surrender 

-Blog written by Courtney O’Reilly